Power Moves: Burundi
Power Moves: Burundi
Power Moves: Burundi
Power Moves: Burundi
Power Moves: Burundi

Power Moves

Make Power Moves with a unique cup of Jo that speaks for itself. With a full array of rich flavors, this Burundi single origin offers the perfect cup to energize the mind and start any day off right. With aromas of citrus, baked apple, and fig, Power Moves was perfectly curated to provide just the right balance of strength and spice, just like the woman who created it. Empower your daily routine with this cup of Jo; trust us, you won’t regret it.

Acidity Medium - High Acidity

Taste Berries, Spices

Mouthfeel Velvety, Creamy

Aroma: Cedar, Pineapple, Baked Apple

Roast Level Medium

Grind Type Whole beans

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About the Farmer

As the only woman in Burundi who controls all production, processing, and exporting of their coffee, Angele Ciza champions a new wave of leadership with her Burundi-based company, Kalico. Her specialty coffees have a distinct, consistent flavor profile sought by buyers worldwide. Her secret ingredient? The heart that goes into running the farm, which is evident in every single cup of Kalico coffee. Kalico not only focuses on producing a quality product, but also on providing their 44 permanent and 250 seasonal employees with a great place to work.

Angele serves as an excellent role model for the next generation of female leaders not only for her work with Kalico, but also in her service efforts: she gives back to her community by offering scholarships to educate girls in Kirundo, a city in northern Burundi. This initiative remains close to her heart, as she believes that the future of Burundi’s development lies in the hands of women.

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